We are convinced that smart cities can only be shaped together in a dialogue between politics, administration, business, science and civil society. This is not about competition, but about cooperation. The key is to be inspired by each other: From good solutions and experiences from municipalities in Germany, Europe and around the world and from the latest results from research. It is particularly important to include the ideas, wishes and knowledge of citizens in the design of sustainable, future-proof smart cities.
Smart Cities model projects funding programme
The Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB) is currently funding 73 model projects, which have been selected in three phases since 2019, with a total of 820 million euros in the "Smart Cities Model Projects" programme. The aim of the Smart Cities Model Projects funding programme is to test and implement practical solutions for shaping sustainable urban and municipal development geared towards the common good in the age of digitalisation and to contribute to their dissemination in Germany.
Coordination and Transfer Centre for Smart Cities Model Projects
The central point of contact for the pilot projects and all municipalities in Germany is the KTS, which was set up by the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building. It organises the inter-municipal exchange of experience, advises municipalities (project office) and "translates" the practical and specialist knowledge gained into knowledge transfer for the public, in particular for the specialist community. To this end, the strategies and implementation concepts of the pilot projects are systematised by means of accompanying research and new findings and needs-based solutions are derived for broad municipal practice.
Accompanying research model projects Smart Cities
The Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) bundles, coordinates and manages the research activities of the Coordination and Transfer Centre for Smart Cities Model Projects (KTS). The activities of the BBSR and KTS focus on key issues of digital change and the development of digital skills in cities and regions. The accompanying research of the KTS aims to analyse debates on smart city research and questions on the concrete implementation of smart city strategies. The focus is also on the scaling and sustainability of the project approaches developed in the Model Projects Smart Cities (MPSC).
National dialogue platform 3.0
To address the opportunities and challenges of digitalisation for urban development, the German government set up the National Smart Cities Dialogue Platform in 2016. Its aim is to shape the digital transformation in municipalities in a sustainable manner and in the interests of integrated urban development.
Around 70 experts from cities, districts and municipalities, municipal umbrella organisations, the federal states and various federal ministries, scientific organisations, business, professional and social associations and civil society are represented on the dialogue platform. With the Smart City Charter, they jointly developed an understanding of the values and objectives of smart cities, assessed their opportunities and risks, drew up guidelines and recommendations for action and are now supporting their implementation.
International Smart Cities Network (ISCN)
The International Smart Cities Network (ISCN) promotes the integration of digital solutions into citizen-centred urban development processes and facilitates the exchange of good practices and experiences between urban development stakeholders worldwide.
The ISCN currently consists of the core member countries Brazil, Mexico, Peru, India and Germany. These are each involved in the network activities at national and municipal level. Through the ISCN, the partner countries have the opportunity to continuously exchange their expertise and experience in the field of smart cities. The constant "learning from each other" should make it possible to jointly shape the digital transformation of cities in terms of sustainable and integrated urban development.
The #connectedinEurope project
In the coming years, the European Green Deal and the Digital Europe programme will play a central role in the implementation of European regulations and the design of funding instruments. One of the aims is to develop European municipalities into smart cities. This requires a European exchange between institutional players and municipalities on how the digital transformation can contribute to realising the goals of sustainable, integrated urban development that is oriented towards the common good at European and national level.
Smart Cities pilot projects ...
... use the opportunities offered by digitalisation and combine them with the requirements of integrated urban development and the model of the sustainable European city.
... proceed in two phases: Firstly, cross-sectoral spatial smart city strategies are developed in a participatory process, after which locally adapted measures and projects are implemented in line with local objectives.
... are based on the normative framework of the Smart City Charter of the National Smart Cities Dialogue Platform, which focuses on people and the common good.
... serve as diverse learning examples whose findings and results are disseminated to all municipalities as part of a comprehensive transfer of knowledge.
National Dialogue Platform Smart Cities
Office of the National Dialogue Platform Smart Cities
Contact for technical questions at the BBSR
Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) at the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR)
Unit RS 5 „Digital city, risk prevention and transport“
Email: smart-city-forschung@bbr.bund.de
Office National Dialogue Platform Smart Cities
Contact for organisational queries
Email: dialogplattformsmartcities@urbanizers.de
Phone: +49 30 889 22 29 0
Model Projects Smart Cities
Coordination and Transfer Office Model Projects Smart Cities (KTS)
c/o DLR-Projektträger
Heinrich-Konen-Straße 1
53227 Bonn
Phone: +49 30 67055 9999
Email: SmartCities@dlr.de
The #connectedinEurope Project
International Smart Cities Network (ISCN)
German Development Cooperation (GIZ)
c/o Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB)
Unit S III 5, Smart Cities
Krausenstraße 17-18
10117 Berlin
Email: iscn@giz.de
International Smart Cities Network (ISCN)
International Smart Cities Network (ISCN)
German Development Cooperation (GIZ)
c/o Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB)
Unit S III 5, Smart Cities
Krausenstraße 17-18
10117 Berlin
Email: iscn@giz.de
Smart Cities Research Cluster
Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) at the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR)
Deichmanns Aue 31-37
53179 Bonn
Christian Rauch
Eva Schweitzer
Smart City team coordinator in the research cluster
Model Projects Smart Cities Funding Programme
Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB)
Unit S III 5, Smart Cities
Krausenstraße 17-18
10117 Berlin