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Sharing Knowledge and Learning From Each Other: Knowledge Databases and Knowledge Transfer

Smart cities thrive on cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and experience: through diverse, interactive formats or events, research reports, community platforms, databases or other publications. Latest news and stories about smart cities or their services and knowledge products are collected in the knowledge databases of the Smart City Dialogue.

News and Stories About Smart Cities

Offers for All Municipalities

Start Smart: Entry to the Smart City

The Start Smart consulting and networking programme is aimed at cities, districts, municipalities and regional associations that are looking for substantive and practical support on their way to becoming a smart city.

Knowledge & Networking

Smart Cities Knowledge and Networking Platform (only with registration; in German)
The Smart Cities Knowledge and Networking Platform is a place for municipal exchange, expert advice and information about the Model Projects Smart Cities (MPSC).

Knowledge Repository: Database of Measures (freely accessible, in German)
Smart City measures from various municipalities and regions in Germany are documented in detail in the Smart City Knowledge Repository. As the Smart City community is constantly learning new things, the Smart City Knowledge Repository is also constantly growing.

The research of the Coordination and Transfer Office Model Projects Smart Cities (KTS) supports the Model Projects Smart Cities in their work. 


Global Mixer
17.07.2024, 11:00 - 11:30

ISCN Global Mixer: Identifying safe public spaces for women in Mexico City with the DPPD Method

In this episode of the ISCN Global Mixer we find out how the Data Powered Positive Deviance Method (DPPD) can be used for positive impact in our cities. Robin Nowok from the GIZ Data Lab will present a case that illustrates how safe public spaces for woman in Mexico City can be identified by applying the method.
colorful picture of abstract tools, reminding of brushes and pens
15.08.2024, 11:00 - 11:30

ISCN Global Mixer: Knowledge transfer for digital transformation: The Digital City Playbook Leipzig

Sharing experiences and transferring knowledge is essential for city administrations, and even more so in the dynamic field of digital transformation. In this episode of the ISCN Global Mixer, Dr Beate Ginzel and Elisabeth Breitenstein present the “Digital City Playbook Leipzig”, a guide for the development of digital initiatives for public institutions.


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