Global Mixer

ISCN Global Mixer: EU AI Act - What's in it for my city?

The entry into force of the EU AI Act sets a fundamentally new course. What impact will it have? What exactly will change? What does the AI Act mean for my own city? We want to shed light on these questions against the backdrop of cities and their administration.

Event details

artificial intelligence
10.07.2024, 13:00 - 13:30
Event type
Online (virtual)


Global Mixer AI Act Cover

The EU AI Act will have significant impacts on cities and their administrations. This episode of the ISCN Global Mixer offers the opportunity to gain deeper insights into potential effects and explore further implications. 

Gert Hilgers and Ivy Yang from Open and Agile Smart Cities and Communities (OASC) will discuss the question of what implications the EU AI Act has especially for cities and communities. 

The event is part of the ISCN Global Mixer, a series of events organized by the International Smart Cities Network. The presentations cover a wide range of topics related to international smart city approaches and provide exciting insights into urban digitalization worldwide - in just 30 minutes.
