Bild aus einem Wald, Sonnenstrahlen ziehen durch die Bäume und brechen ihre Schatten
Dietmar Rabich (ülmen,_Naturschutzgebiet_-Am_Enteborn-_--_2014_--_0202.jpg),

ISCN Global Mixer: Ultra-early detection of wildfires

Cities and forests are related to each other and the provision of resources and protection is mutual: This edition of the ISCN Global Mixer will look at a solution to achieve ultra-early detection of wildfires through extended IOT-sensoring.

Event details

climate protection & adaptation digital infrastructure disasterp & civil protection sensors & LoRaWan
03.07.2024, 11:00 - 11:30
Event type
Online (virtual)


Tile reading ISCN Global Mixer Ultra-early detection of wildfires, event on 3 July at 11-11.30 AM

Forests are under tremendous distress. In Germany, only every fifth tree in forests is still healthy. The past years have seen many heat records and several big and escalating wildfires which are only adding to the menace. As many urban areas around the world are in fact surrounded by forestry and enjoy the resources, protection and other multiple benefits it provides, the smart-city-approach has to investigate how to extend and use its capacities for forest protection as well.

In this ISCN Global Mixer event we will have a look at an interesting example of how extended IOT-sensoring on trees can achieve an ultra-early detection of wildfires. Moreover, Carsten Brinkschulte, CEO of Dryad Networks, will talk about further developments of digitally-driven wildfire monitoring that includes AI applications and peek at the long-term goal of an autonomous system of wildfire protection. 

Join us in our ISCN Global Mixer series that brings you fresh inputs and inspiration for Smart City Development from around the world - always in no longer than 30 minutes. 
For an overview of the past and future ISCN Global Mixers you can click here

