Eine Deckfolie beschriftet mit Online Advisory Programme of the International Smart Cities Network

Online Advisory Programme of the ISCN

How can cities successfully involve citizens in the development of future-oriented urban districts? And how can cities participate in a self-determined and co-creative way in smart urban development strategies? The partners of the International Smart Cities Network (ISCN) exchanged views on these issues at the first event of the Online Advisory Programme on 27 April 2021.

Event details

27.04.21, 00:00
Event type
Online (virtual)


Dr. Julia Girardi-Hoog, Head of Department Social Services Wiener Wohnen and former Manager of the EU Programme „Smarter Together“ Vienna, Austria provided impulses for the discussion. The presentation of this expert can be found here on our website.

Moreover, Claudia Gabriela Canales from the Institute for Planning and Development Management (IMEPLAN) of the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, Mexico, together with the partners from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH shared a first insight into the start of the implementation process of the digital solution “Mi Mercado AMG”. 

Co-creating smart solutions in a disadvanteaged neighborhood

Dr. Julia Girardi-Hoog shared her experience with the project Smarter Together Vienna in Austria, where the active involvement and participation of citizens was key to citizen-oriented upgrading of a social housing neighbourhood in the course of urban digital transformation.
