A large multi-lane crossing in an urban center full with pedestrians, cars, busses and trees.
Joey Lu, Pexels

ISCN Global Mixer: TUMI Data - Making Mobility Data Available for All

In this edition of the Global Mixer of the International Smart Cities Network (ISCN), Lena Plikat and Julian Kath from the TUMI project (Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative) showcased the TUMI Mobility Data Hub a platform to which municipalities the world over can link themselves to facilitate common-good oriented analysis of mobility globally.

Event details

06.03.2024, 13:00 - 13:30
Event type
Online (virtual)


Key takeaways

  • Big Data, big gaps: Data is being amassed by many and yet it is not distributed evenly and optimally allocated for public use.
  • The flexibility of Data Hubs: TUMI's ckan-based Data Hub is adjustable to various needs and capacities of municipalities with varying degrees of involvement required.
  • Setting the ground and seeds, harvesting KPIs: With a data hub as a ground base, analysis and cross-comparibility on characteristics of urban mobility become possible. KPIs can be visualized and feedback into databases. Joint work can more accurately inform the road to globally sustainable mobility.

Mobility and construction are the fundamental phenomena giving cities their physical shape. Since mobility requires more frequent spatial orientation - a car, tram, bicycle needs to arrive to the endpoint of its trip - it lends itself more readily to data accumulation. And yet, as the speakers of this ISCN Global Mixer made clear, even for mobility data large data gaps prevail. According to the Worldbank report Sustainable Mobility: Policy Making for Data Sharing (2021), quoted by our speakers, still

35% of the world’s largest cities and 92% of the largest low and middle-income cities do not have complete transportation maps.

TUMI - the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative - formed by an alliance of 11 renowned international organizations (C40, ADB, CAF, BMZ, GIZ, ICLEI, ITDP, KFW, SLOCAT, UN-Habitat, World Resources Institute) is set to change this throug various projects and activities. In our ISCN Global Mixer event they focussed their presentation on their Mobility Data Hub

As a ckan-based one-stop platform, it makes urban mobility data accessible in an integrated manner and - depending on the database linked - allows for instant visualizations and aggregations of mobility KPIs throug its' analyzer. 

After an initial overview on the project by Lena Plikat, Julian Kath explained the approach of the Mobility Data Hub more specifically including examples from Yaoundé in Cameroun and Managua, Nicaragua. Yaoundé launched its first data hub recently together with TUMI to back a data-driven transformation of its' mobility and transport system. Managua served as an illustrative example in the presentation of the capabilities of the analyzer as we were shown visualizations of core KPIs for public transport in the city on e.g. coverage, temporal exits, waiting times, etc., all based on GTFS data. Enjoy the recording (20min) of the session above for all details!

And if you, too, want to onramp your municipality to the mobility data hub of TUMI for free, thereby co-developing an open data portal for your urban mobility, this is your opportunity! Join us in advancing the ways communities the world over visualize, analyze and link their data for global sustainability efforts. You can reach out to TUMI directly or via us, the ISCN, at iscn@giz.de.

Website of TUMI: https://transformative-mobility.org/ 

TUMI's Mobility Data Hub: https://hub.tumidata.org/ 

Quoted Worldbank report: Sustainable Mobility for All. 2021. Sustainable Mobility: Policy Making for Data Sharing. Washington DC.

