ISCN Podcast #18 - Buenos Aires' virtual city model to enhance urban development


Buenos Aires is a bustling and densely populated megacity. Nearly 14 million people live in the Gran Buenos Aires metropolitan area - and the city continues to grow. The city started working with data and publishing open data early on. Recently, Buenos Aires developed the open-source tool Ciudad 3D to speed up urban planning and provide a more efficient and digital way for citizens to obtain building permits. And there is much more to come. We'll talk to Axel McCallum, Undersecretary for Administrative Innovation, about current and future projects and how to drive innovation in a city government.

Buenos Aires is a bustling and densely populated megacity. Nearly 14 million people live in the Gran Buenos Aires metropolitan area - and the city continues to grow. The city started working with data and publishing open data early on. Recently, Buenos Aires developed the open-source tool Ciudad 3D to speed up urban planning and provide a more efficient and digital way for citizens to obtain building permits. And there is much more to come. We'll talk to Axel McCallum, Undersecretary for Administrative Innovation, about current and future projects and how to drive innovation in a city government.

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